作为语言培训专家, 我们拥有一套极具特色的培训模式和课程, 以及一支专门负责企业培训的队伍,以满足众多外资和内资公司不断增长的培训需求。我们不仅能够为客户度身定制最适合他们需求的培训课程, 而且, 还能根据他们的不同需要将每一种语言所具有的独特文化内涵和商务习惯融入到不同的培训课程中。 迄今为止,我们为许多著名的跨国企业提供了高质的服务, 例如: 法国育碧软件公司(Ubi Soft), 美国英特尔公司(Intel), 德国博世(Bosch), 美国福特汽车(Ford Motor) 以及英国第一太平洋戴维斯(Savills) 等,为此,我们感到非常荣幸和自豪。
Excelled in all courses
Hao Zhijie,Master degree. Have been teaching Chinese since in college. Be good at teaching business Chinese due to her working experience in companies. Have been providing training for KPMG, BP, AmCham, Mckinsey, and Bosch, including beginner, intermediate and advanced level lessons.
Teacher's voice: I always pursue a relaxed and interesting teaching environment when I am teaching. I try to avoid imposing students too much grammar knowledge and doing repetitive reading excises. Instead, I create many funny and interesting class activities so that students are willing to join voluntarily, more importantly, which engage students in an authentic context to learn and speak. Furthermore, to be an excellent teacher, you have to keep yourself learning new things all the time.
Interests: Reading books, Music and Traveling.