1.When meeting problems in daily life,some like to solve it in a serious way while others tend to deal with these setbacks in a humorous way. Which way do you think is better? Give your explanations in your response.
2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children who join in group sport activities tend to be more sociable than those who only do exercise by themselves
3.Your school is planning to eliminate the computer lab on campus because almost all students have laptops and they can use their laptops. Do you think eliminating the computer lab is good idea and why?
4.Should parents help their children solve their problems or let themselves ?o?
5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not be allowed to use calculator in math classes or exams.
6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is acceptable that someone use other's influence to get a job
7.Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with students. This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedback or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a good program and why?
8.Some people prefer to make friends with the same age, other would like make friends with different ages. Which one do you like?
9.Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why?
10. Some students think that they are graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they are graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons.
1.Agree or disagree: Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than social life does.
2.Do you agree that it needs to take risks or keep cautious and careful and take less risks for a person to finally reach success? Give reasons to explain your choice.
3.Do you agree or disagree? In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.
3.Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends?
A. Joining a sports team
B. Participating in community activities
C. Traveling
4.Which is the most important thing for a country’s leader to assure the prosperity of the country:
1. Creating more jobs for unemployed worker;
2. Increasing agriculture and lowering the food price;
3. Increasing access to affordable house.
5.Which one of the following areas should governments fund in order to improve children’s educational quality:
1) Hiring more teachers so that there are fewer students in one class;
2) Providing preschool education;
3) Providing additional training for teachers so they know more methods to teach.
6.Which one is the most important factor to help you work productively:
A. Having an environment free of noise and distractions;
B. Knowing that you will receive a reward;
C. Doing something you are interested in.
7.People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families. The help from the government is not necessary. Do you agree or disagree?
8.People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.
9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor.
10.When a new technological device becomes available, some will buy it right away, and some wait until many have adopted. What do you think?
1.欧洲的 ash tree 总是被森林中的 fungus 感染,引发传染性疾病。阅读和听力针对保护方式展开讨论。
第二点:广泛喷洒化学剂,抑制树林中 fungus 生长。
第三点:可以通过基因技术,提取存活的树的基因来使其对 fungus 免疫。
第一点:仅仅砍掉树是不够的,应该除去树林中所有的死亡的树叶,这是非常困难的一件事。同时,移走 这些树叶也会破坏森林的生态系统,因为 dead leaves 可以给土壤提供养分。第二点:首先化学药剂对于很多生物来讲是有害的,同时由于这种物质是从高处广泛的散播,这会对不止 ash tree,而是所有生物都造成影响。例如,deer 会因此而受到伤害。此外,这种物质很难被分解,会存在很 久,会对森林有持久影响。
第三点:这种病可以由很多种 fungus 影响产生,通过这种方法只能免疫一部分 fungus,不能免疫全部。而 这种病传染很快,只要有树感染,就会对森林有很大伤害。
2.虎鲸以黑色为主、黑白相间占少数,而白色虎鲸更是十分罕见。在 2000 年,研究者惊奇地在阿拉斯加 (Alaska)的阿留申群岛(Aleutian Islands)附近发现了一头白色虎鲸,暂且叫它 Alaska white orca。2010 年, 研究者再次在俄罗斯近海岸发现了一头白色虎鲸,我们可以叫它 Iceberg white orca。那这两头虎鲸究竟是 不是同一头虎鲸
1).肤色不一样。Alaskan 白虎鲸的肤色要比 Iceberg 白虎鲸的肤色深
2). 两头虎鲸隔得太远。A 虎鲸在美国的阿留申群岛附近被发现,而 I 虎鲸在俄罗斯的近海岸被发现,两地 相隔整整 1500 英里
3).两头虎鲸的年纪对不上。一般来说,人们都是通过背鳍(dorsal fin)的尺寸来判断一头虎鲸的年纪。根 据背鳍的大小,当 A 虎鲸在 2000 年被发现的时候,被推测为 20 岁。但是 10 年后,Iceberg 的背鳍尺寸 也是 20 岁。所以,两头虎鲸不可能是同一头虎鲸。
1).两头鲸肤色之所以不一样是由海藻(algae)导致的。当海里的海藻数量越多,虎鲸的肤色就会越深。而 海藻的多少也会根据季节进行变化。因为 A 虎鲸和 I 虎鲸被发现的季节不一样,所以肤色就会不一样。换 句话说,这两头鲸很可能就是同一头鲸
2). 两头虎鲸隔得不算远。虎鲸的哺食模式(Hunting Pattern)分为两种,一种吃哺乳动物(mammal),所以 他们经常出没在海岸边。另一种虎鲸喜爱哺食鱼类,所以他们会跟随鱼群的长途迁徙而环游整个海洋。有 时候,他们迁徙的路径长达 2000 英里,所以美国到俄罗斯的区区 1500 英里根本不算远。
3). 两头虎鲸的年纪对得上。通过背鳍大小来判断虎鲸年纪的方法根本不靠谱。因为虎鲸长到 20 岁时,背 鳍的尺寸就会停止增长。所以从背鳍尺寸来看,25 岁和 30 岁的虎鲸看起来都一样。所以,这两头虎鲸其 实就是同一头虎鲸。
3.鹿角的 function
1).里面有 vessel,有血液循环 ,可以帮助散热
2).可以用来保护自己 protect from the predators
3).会用来 show the dominance 的身份
1).不是用来散热。因为有的鹿夏末也会长出角。甚至有的冬天长出来。冬天又不需要散热。而且有的热的 地方 ,鹿角小,冷的地方,鹿角大。
2).一般都是母鹿保护小鹿。可是母鹿不长角的。另外有证据表明他们的主要 predator 是狼,可是狼有被鹿 kicking 的痕迹。
2). 植物闭合叶子也无法阻挡雨水,况且真菌是需要一线的水就 可以感染叶子 3).有些植物即使完全接收不到光线,也会关闭叶子
Beavers should not be released in England
1). Beavers use wood build dams,这样就会 block the water flow
2). Beavers 会 dig holes,然后使 ground above 腐烂,不利于 farmland
3). Beavers’ teeth are so strong that they will burrow in trees and thus kill the trees
releasing beavers 的好处大于坏处
1). Beavers 并不会在每条河流中 build dams,很多 build dams 的河流是 still 的
2). Beavers 通常在 Long river 中,通常 long river 水流很快,beavers 可以 slow down the water flow,这样对农 田有利
3). 把有些 trees kill 掉反而使 vegetation 多样化,因为部分树木挪调之后会使原本在树荫下的植物有更多的 阳光, 这样这些 vegetation 就可以长的更好,就会出现一个 new ecosystem