1、 3600多所高等教育机构:副学士学位、本科、研究生
Over 3600 higher education institutions: associate bachelor, bachelor , master.
2、 200多所大学本科双录取:东北大学、旧金山大学、麻省大学、特拉华大学、新罕布什尔大学、加州大学系统、威斯康辛大学系统、纽约州立大学系统
Over 200 universities for double enrollment: Northeastern University, University of San Francisco, University of Massachusetts, University of Delaware, University of New Hampshire , University of California, UW System, SUNY System.
Over 1000 secondary schools: High quality privates, Public schools, Missionary schools.
Sino American exchange student: the Chinese Ministry of Education introduced and public welfare project legislated by U.S. government.